彌勒佛: 開悟
中文翻譯: 林琚月20140128
The enlightenment of the world hasbegun,
has reached all levels on this planet and
has seizedall human Beings!
而且已經到達了這個行星的各個層級, 而且已經抓住了所有人類存有們!
A process, which has been mandated by theprime source of All-that-Is, cannot be more comprehensive, more perfect,greater and more exalted.You are honored beyond all measures!
一個程序 ~~來自 “萬有所是” 的主要源頭的授權, 無法更週全, 更完美, 更偉大, 或更崇高的. 你們被榮耀的程度是遠超過所有的可能性!
I am MAITRAYA, the cosmic Christ,I am amongyou.
我是彌勒佛, 是大宇宙基督, 我就在你們之間.
What does the expression “enlightenment”mean?
What to think about, what to attune to?
要如何去思考? 如何去調準?
Enlightenment describes the transition fromdense body into a subtle body. Thereby all levels can be effected, all denselevels of universal, galactic, planetary and individual level of Being.
“開悟”描述了這個從 ‘稠密身體’到一個 ‘精密身體’ 的轉變. 因此, 所有的層次都會被影響到, 所有宇宙的, 銀河的, 行星的, 以及個人層級的稠密階層的存有們全部都會被影響到.
There is a wonderful example in the bible describingJesus’s enlightenment. This process is now close at hand for this planet andfor you human Beings. It oncerns, and this has to be emphasized forcompleteness, all those who have.chosen this. The completed light bodies areready for the light warriors and on the day, which was chosen for you, themiracle will be revealed. This happens after you have fulfilled ourassignments and you have entirely completed your work..on this Mother planet of love. This processof enlightenment, the transfiguration of lives, from the dense into the light,is now close at hand for Gaia.
在聖經中有一個形容耶穌基督開悟的完美例子.這個程序現在~~非常接近 ~~被這個行星, 以及你們人類所獲得.這是關於 ~~而且這是必須被強調的 --這是一個 “完成” ~~對所有選擇這件事的人.“已經完成的光體們” 已經為光之戰士們準備好了, 而且在這一天 ~~那是為你們選擇好的日子 ~~
這奇蹟將會被揭露. 這會發生在 你們已經完成了你們的任務之後,以及完全的完成了 你們在 “母親行星” 之上的愛的工作之後.這個 “開悟的程序”, 這個生命的變身 ~~從稠密入光 ~~現在對蓋亞來說非常非常接近得到了.(就在手邊之意)
While this is building and has alreadyhappened, the great waiting of human Beings for their ascension has begun. Anearly unbearable situation, which can only be mastered, if you follow youractual tasks day by day and not let
yourself be distracted by any thought, thatarrests you in the future. This is of
immense importance so that you remaingrounded and so that on the last day of your existence on this level nothingmay surprise you. Because being arrested in
the future means that you are also arrestedin your imaginations.
當這個程序在積累的過程, 而且已經發生的, ~~人類期待已經非常長久的 “揚升” 已經開始. 一個近乎無法忍受的狀況 ,只能被達到 ~~如果你日復一日的跟隨你的工作, 而不讓你自己被任何其他想法分心 ---來逮捕住你 ---
在未來. 這對你是極度之重要的, 讓你自己保持穩住的狀態, 所以在你存在於這層級的最後一天到來時 ~~沒有任何事會讓你驚訝. 因為被未來逮捕住 ~~代表了你也同時在你的想像能力裡被綁住了.
And: Imaginations always obstruct the viewof the Actual.
還有: 想像力總是會防礙 “真實”的影像.
Meaning, live your life detached from theseepochal facts, live your daily life in full consciousness, while it is possibleand become even more conscious. Meaning, many good and highly talented lightwarriors still fail due to their nresolved patterns. It is well known and is ahuman and cosmic wisdom that the great ones many times may fail due to thesmall things. Therefore:
這意思是 ~~遠離這些 ‘具有劃時代意義的事情’ ~~來過你的人生, ~~用 “完全的覺知意識”來過你每天的生活 ~~而且在可能的時候 ~~變得更有覺知能力一些. 這意思是 ~~許多好的, 具有高度才華的光之戰士們,仍然失敗 ---由於他們尚未解決的 “模式”. 這是眾所周知的 ~~而且同時是一個人類的, 也是一個 ‘大宇宙的智慧’ --- 就是偉人們有時會拌倒在小事上. 因此:
Before you are actually transfigured andenlightened, it is valid to be active on this earthly level of Being; highlyconcentrated, fully conscious and exalted over each snapshot of this time.
在你真實的變身而且開悟之前, 你在地球層級的存在狀態的活躍活動是合理的; 高度的專注, 完全的覺知, 完全掌控在這時間中的每一個時刻.
The snapshots of this time can besummarized as follows:
1.) The geography on this planet changesradically!
2.) The acts of malice of the dark forcestake on a final characteristic!
2) 黑暗勢力的惡意行為會到達最後的末日徵兆!
3.) Before all of this escalates on thesurface of the earth, you will attain enlightenment.
3) 在所有這些事情加劇到地球表面之前 ~~你們會(先)得到 “開悟”.
This brings with it that patience isrequired and that it is prudent to make good use of this time. It isunderstandable that some of you despair, because Pandora’s box seems todischarge endlessly. For a self-conscious light warrior it is absolutelymandatory to overcome despair, which in its original interpretation meansdoubt.
It is understandable that you back off fromthese discharges.
這隨同而來的 ~~就是需要大家的 “耐性”, 以及 “謹慎” ~~來適當的使用這段時間. 這是可以理解的 ~~就是你們有些人覺得絕望 -因為潘多拉的盒子似乎不斷的釋放出東西(註: 貪嗔痴慢疑)出來. 而對一個 ‘自我覺知’的光之戰士而言 ~~那是絕對強制性必須克服 ‘絕望’ ~~ 而這在 ‘原始註解’ 上意思就是 ‘懷疑\不信任’. 可以理解的是 ~~你們會從這些 “潘多拉的盒子中的釋放出的東西”中~~退出來!
For a conscious light warrior in these endtimes, it is mandatory to also overcome this condition.How?
對一個有覺知的光之戰士在這些最後結束時間中 ~~你們被強制性的要求克服這些狀況. 怎麼做到?
It also has to be pointed out, to alwaysanchor you deeply in s trust!
同時必須指出的是 ~~永遠牢牢的把你自己錨定在 “信任” 之中!
We have heard, (message from ASANAMAHATARI:
我們聽說了 (ASANAMAHATARI聖哲曼大師訊息:
LIBERATION FROM THE ORION SHACKLES, remarkJJK),that the destructive and criminal Orion system, whereby mankind is held incaptivity and humans have been degraded to slaves of the Orion elite, will bereplaced and removed.
JJK說 ~~ “獵戶座的腳鐐手銬已經被打開了!” )~~獵戶座的破壞性的, 罪惡的系統 ~~這個人類被囚禁的監獄, 以及這個把人類降低到獵戶座的精英們的奴隸的系統 ~~將會被取代, 以及移除.
These elites love to destroy life; theyenjoy it.
這些精英喜歡毀滅生命; 他們喜歡幹這種事.
This also explains to you the absoluteresistance of these beings toward the light, which presently floods the earth.
這也同時也告訴了你 ~這些存有們對光明的絕對抗拒--這是目前淹沒地球的事.
This is mentioned here so that you may beconscious that the assumption, that this system is capable of change, is anillusion. That the great plan of this society fails is certain and is alreadywell known. But that this plan absolutely fails on this upper
4D level is, even for the well-informedelite, unknown.
這在這裡提到了 ~~你可能知道這個 “假設” ~~就是這系統是能夠改變的 --- 這回事是個幻覺. 所以這個社會的偉大計劃的失敗是確定的, 而且已經是眾所皆知的. 以及, 這計劃絕對會在第四維層面上層上失敗~~而這事即使是對 “最通曉內情的精英們” ~~他們也不知道這事.
Meaning that the screws of unbearableconditions are further tightened –
and will suddenly and abruptly find anend.With a snap of the finger from God, you are enlightened and this world ishistory for you. Then this experience remains
an important remembrance, for which youwill be received in All-that-Is
with highest regards.
這意思是 ~~這令人難以忍受的狀況因此而被轉得更緊 --- 而且會突然而驟然的到達了終點.只要上帝的指頭彈一下, 你們就開悟了, 而這個世界對你而言就變成歷史了.然後這經驗會成為一個重要的記憶 ~~因為你們會因為它而獲得來自 “萬有所是”(源頭)的最高獎賞.
It is valid to stop counting the days andwelcome each moment, because it gives you the opportunity to get your affairsand your life in order, before you embark on this unique cosmic journey intothe light.Far from death you shall leave this level, but your old human naturemust die. And you have to be ready if you want to achieve enlightenment andascension.Wanting ascension not out of frustration, but out of the innercertitude, that all your assignments have been fulfilled and you have done yourhomework.
合理的事 ~~是去停止數日子, 並歡迎每一個時刻的到來, 因為它給你機會來讓你把你的事情以及人生處理好 ~~在你出發上這個獨特的 “光之旅程” 之時. 與死亡差距很遠 --- 你會離開這(3維地球)層次(而不透過死亡),但是你老的 “人類習性”必須死掉!
而且你必須準備好 ~~假如你要達成 “開悟” 和 “揚升” 的話. 不要用 ‘掙扎’ 來渴望 ‘揚升’, 而是由於內在對此事的確認 ~~以及你所有的任務都已經完成了,而且你也做完了(修行)家課了!
Actually the warriors of darkness and thelight warriors of heaven are facing each other.And the light warriors of heavenare ready to perform the last and decisive interventions, so that the continuumof this Orion matrix dissolves.
事實上, 來自天堂的黑暗戰士們與光之戰士們正在面對彼此.自天堂的光之戰士們已經準備好了要執行最後也是最決定性的 “干預”行動~~所以這個 “獵戶座的矩陣”的持續性會被完全消除.
I am the cosmic Christ,
我是 “大宇宙基督”,
The Christ Consciousness and the infiniteLove.
I see you arriving on the level ofhappiness,
I see you entering heaven and you becomemore and more.
While the last ones of you, the lightwarriors of the first
而同時間你們中最後的一個, 在第一個時辰以及最後時辰裡的光之戰士們
and last hours, according to theirassignments, move forward
依照他們的指定任務 ~~持續向前
to the last act, by turning off the lighton the world left behind.
直到完成最後的一幕, 把這被拋在後方的世界的燈給關掉.
Then your work is done and your trip toheaven is finally sealed.
然後你的工作就完成了, 而你走往天堂的旅程也終於確定了.
I see you populate your divine home.
I see that you leave what we call illusion.
Isee that you come into the truth of All-that-Is,
我看到你們進入 “萬有所是” 的真理之中,
Into the reality of all life.The fogs lift,the time is ripe.
進入所有生命的實相! 霧散了, 而時間已成熟.
The dream of human limitations is now leftbehind!
Trust this truth.You have awakened.
相信這個真相! 你已經覺醒了!
How much you are loved.