
(超級重要)大角星人訊息:20131214 選擇做 “有意識的創造”
12-14-13 ArcturianMessage - Choosing Conscious Creation
Channeller: SuzanneLie\ 20131214
中文翻译: 林琚月 20131215 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin
Choosing ConsciousCreation
Our Ones, We are theArcturians,
我們的一們, 我們是大角星人,
Many of you are havingthe “feeling” that something is about to happen. We want to share with you allthat that “something” is already happening. You see, what you are feeling viayour fifth dimensional language is happening in the NOW. The NOW is alwaysavailable to you. All you need do is raise your consciousness into the fifthdimension and beyond. Then you will consciously experience what you are feelingvia your increasingly activating Lightbody.
你們許多人都有種 “什麼事快要發生了”的感覺.
我們要與你們全部人分享的是 ~~那些 “什麼事”已經在發生當中.你看, 你透過你第五維度的語言,所正在感覺到的事 ~~在 “當下”中已經在發生了.
這 “當下”永遠是你接觸得到的.你全部需要做的只是去提高你的覺知意識進入第五維度以及超過.然後你將會有意識的經驗到 ~~你們透過你們越來越啟動中的 “光體”~~所正在感覺到的事情.
While you are logged intothe 3D Game you wear an earth vessel, but once your consciousness enters thefifth dimension you wear a Lightbody. Your earth vessel is so accustomed toperceiving reality as having hard edges with spaces in-between that you thinkyour Lightbody’s reality of interconnected images of wavering light is “justyour imagination.”
當你進入三維遊戲 ~~你穿上一個地球載具,但是一但你的覺知意識進入了第五維度~~你穿的是一個 “光體”.
你地球載具是如此習慣於感應現實是有硬的邊際的,物件之間是有空間的,所以你以為你的光體的實相~~這互相穿透的, 不斷波動的光的影像~~只是 “你的想像”而已.
You are correct in thatit is your imagination because imagination is fifth dimensional thought. Thus,it is not just your imagination that you are experiencing but fifth dimensionalcommunication. You are receiving this fifth dimensional communication becauseyour consciousness, and hence your perceptions, have moved beyond thelimitations of the third dimension and into the fifth.
你是對的 ~~當你說 “那只是“你的想像”而已時~~因為“想像力” 是第五維度的思考.因此, 那不只是你在經驗你的想像~~而是你在經驗 “第五維度的溝通”.
在你正在接收這第五維度的溝通之時~~是因為你的覺知意識, 也因此你的感應理解力,已經移動超越第三維度而進入第五維度.
The feelings, thoughtsand perceptions of the fifth dimension fill your mind with the great power ofimagination and your heart with unconditional love. You will know when you havemorphed into the fifth dimension because you will feel bliss and unconditionallove. You will, also, know when you have returned to the 3D because you willexperience time, work, anxiety, depression and conditional love.
這第五維度的感覺,思想, 以及感應理解力~~可以將你的心智中充滿了 “想像力”的偉大能量,並用 “無條件的愛”充填你的心.
你將會知道自己已經轉變入第五維度時~~因為你將會感覺到祝福與“無條件的愛”.你將會 ~~同時知道 ~~當你回轉回三維的時候~~因為你又經驗到時間, 工作, 焦慮, 抑鬱以及“有條件的愛”.
When you appear to bejust third dimensional but are filled with a great creative force, joy, andlove, you consciousness is likely resonating to the fourth dimension. Once yourconsciousness returns to the third dimension, you may have the experience of“coming down” from a wonderful experience.
當你顯然只是在第三維度 ~~可是你卻充滿了一個偉大的能量, 歡樂, 以及愛的時候,你的覺知意識很可能正共鳴入第四維度.
We say this to you not tosay that the third dimension is not enjoyable, but to tell you that usuallywhen the third dimension is enjoyable is because your consciousness hasexpanded into the higher sub-planes of the fourth dimension. The truth is thata great percentage of Gaia’s Earth is NOW resonating to the higher sub-planesof the fourth dimension.
我們跟你說這個~~意思不是三維度是不令人愉快的,而是告訴你 ~~通常當三維度是令人愉快的時候~~那是因為你的覺知意識已經擴張共鳴入第四維度的高層.
而真相是 ~~蓋亞地球相當大部份的區域的 “當下”~~現在是正共鳴入第四維度的高層的.
Therefore, Gaia isreturning to Her multidimensional expression along with many of Herinhabitants. Of course, there are still many who suffer, who are poor, who donot have enough food or adequate assistance. Hence, it is important that the awakingones pull their fourth and fifth dimensional experiences into the Core ofEarth. Once in the core, your gift of unconditional love and bliss can beshared with every area of the world.
因此, 蓋亞正在, 與她所有居民,一起回轉入她多維度的表達之中.當然, 仍然有許多還在受苦的人,他們可能比較窮,他們可能缺乏足夠的食物或是適當的支援.
因此, 非常重要的一件事~~是覺醒的一們~~將他們第四維度\第五維度的經驗拉入地球核心,一但在核心之中 ~~~你們的 “祝福與“無條件的愛””的禮物就可以分享給全世界的每個區域.
What is “happening” inyour NOW is that inter-dimensional communications are becoming more and morecommon. People are realizing that they do NOT deserve to live in poverty ordomination and they are standing up for them selves. Also, more and more“hidden patents” will soon be released which will greatly alter our every daylife.
現在在你的 “當下” 之中正在發生的事 ~~是 “維度間的溝通” 正在變得越來越普通.
人們正在了解到~~他們 “不值得”去生活在貧困或是 “被統治\控制住” 當中 ~~他們正在為他們自己而站起來.
同時, 越來越多的“隱藏住的專利” ~~將會很快被釋放出來~~而這將會快速的改變我們的日常生活.
Meanwhile, the few whohave ruled the many are either waking up or losing their power. Thethird-dimensional concept of “power over others” is quickly being replaced bythe fifth dimensional concept of “power within you SELF.” Thus, those who havebeen downtrodden are beginning to look up into the light.
同時, 少數統治住了大部份人的 ‘(黑暗)人口’ ~~也正在覺醒或者是失去他們權勢的狀態中.
屬於第三維度的概念--- “用權勢壓人\控制人”的概念 ---正在快速的被第五維度的概念~~ “你自己本我內在的力量”的概念所取代.因此, 那些被蹂躪的人們已經開始抬頭看入光明的方向.
They are choosing to lookup in dignity rather than look down in subservience because they, too, arefeeling that something is happening. They do not know what that “something” is,but some how it is giving them HOPE. Hope than leads to courage and courageleads to a higher self-esteem.
他們現在正選擇拿出尊嚴抬起自己的頭,而不是屈從的低下頭去,因為他們, 也感覺到~~某些事情正在發生當中.
他們不知道那 “什麼” 是什麼?~~但是那感覺給了他們 ‘希望’ ~~一個能引出勇氣的希望,而勇氣又帶出了更高的 “自尊心”.
Once the self-esteem ishealed, those who felt they had to accept that which was unfair and dominatingwill begin to realize that they DO have a choice. The light that is fillingtheir consciousness more each day whispers to their heart, “If you serve thelight, it will protect you from the fear.”
一但“自尊心”被治療好了~~那些以前覺得他們必須去接受 ‘不公平的統治與待遇’的人~~會開始明白 ~~他們真的是有選擇權的.這充滿他們覺知意識的光能越來越強,每天在他們的心裡輕聲細語著“如果你為光服務的話,祂將會保護你無有恐懼.”
What is happening is thatpeople are realizing that they actually have a choice! This concept of choosingthe life you wish to create is beginning to hit critical mass. Then, those whohave lost all hope will begin to raise their heads in dignity and honor to findtheir power within. Once their inner power is discovered, the light ofascension is ignited in their hearts and they will insist on fairness for all.
現在正在發生的事~~就是人們正在明白 ~~他們真的有選擇!!!
“選擇你想要創造的人生”的概念正開始到達 “關鍵人口數”字之上!
然後, 那些失去所有希望的人,會開始在尊嚴與榮耀之中抬起頭來,而且發現自己內心的力量.一但他們內在的力量被發現了,“揚升之光”就被點燃在他們心裡了~~而且他們也會要求對所有人的公平(必須實現)!
This insistence onfairness is growing everyday. Country after country is beginning to shed theshackles of domination to stand up for their SELF and for those that they love.The few can only rule the many when the many are brainwashed and have losttheir hope.
對 “公平的堅持要求”每天都在成長當中.一個又一個國家正開始在脫去“被統治的腳鐐手銬”,並且為自己站起來,也為他們所愛的人而站起來.
那統治的少數人---只有當 “大多數人是被洗腦而且已經失去希望”時 ---- 他們才有辦法統治多數.
This Ray of HOPE isspreading across your globe. Meanwhile, more and more awakened ones who haveenough money, enough food and enough liberty are preparing themselves to CARRYthe beacon of HOPE for those who are bstarting to find their power within.
“希望的光芒” 已經擴散到你們整個的地球上, 同時, 越來越多覺醒的一們~~他們有足夠的金錢, 足夠的食物,以及足夠的自由 ~~正在準備好他們自己~~來攜帶這“希望的光束”~~為那些正在發現他們自己內在的力量的人(照亮)!