
掌握 “接收(恩典)” --- 2014年的關鍵準備
Mastering Receiving – Key Preparation for2014, Channeler: Selacia
Posted by Meindert Arends on December 27,2013 at 7:00pm
Monday, 23 December, 2013 (posted 27December, 2013)
中文翻譯: 林琚月20131123http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin
Embody the Higher Octaves of Love
The year 2014 will come with opportunitiesfor shifting your life in a grand way – do you feel prepared to receive yourgood?
2014年將帶來改變提升你人生的許多機會 ~~以一種壯麗的方式 ---
How you relate to the world will be a keyfactor in what you experience during 2014. This can mean many things, ofcourse, but for the purposes of this article, the focus is receiving.
你對待這世界的方式 ~~將會是一個主要關鍵因素 ~~決定了你在2014年會經驗到什麼?!這可能代表許多事情, 當然,但為了達到此文的目的我們目前要專注的討論 ~~“接收恩典的方法”!
How You Receive Influences Your Experience
The way you receive from the world willinfluence your experience and how you feel about your life. This is nothingnew, of course.
你從這世界接受(事物)的態度 ~~會影響了你將會得到的經驗,以及你對你的人生所會產生的感覺.雖然這不是什麼新鮮事情, 當然.
However, next year as the pace ofevolutionary change quickens, you will need new levels of mastery involvingreceiving.
但是, 隨着明年的發展性改變增快了,你將會需要新的層次的 “掌握能力” 包含了 “恩典接收”!
What’s receiving? It’s accepting or takingwhat is offered – by another person, group, entity, the world in general, oreven spirit. What you receive can involve things like information, validation orpraise, a physical object, a reward or financial compensation, or something youconsider a blessing.
什麼是 “恩典接收”? 那是接受, 或是拿走~~提供給你的東西 ---不論是來自別人, 一個團體, 一個單位,廣泛意義的世界, 甚至包括 “精神”.不論你接收到的是~~訊息, 確認, 或是讚美, 是一個實體的東西, 一個獎勵, 或是金錢補償, 或任何你認為是 “祝福\加持”的東西.
Mastery of receiving is rooted in self-loveand a learned ability to consciously and appropriately receive what the worldoffers you.
掌握“接收(恩典)”的技巧 ~~是生根於 “對自己的愛”之上,以及一個學習來的能力 ~~而能夠有清楚意識的, 適當的去 “接受”這世界提供給你的東西.
This involves being present, aware, andskilled with observation – discerning what is appropriate and precisely when toreceive it.
這(技巧)包含了~~要適時出現, 有警覺性,而且有觀察能力 --- 能夠分辨什麼是恰當的,而且精確的知道何時該去接受恩惠.
It means asking questions about what youare receiving, too, to gain clarity and understanding of how to respond.
這也代表了 ~~(該)去詢問關於你正在接收的東西,去獲得清楚的瞭解,並且理解如何做出(恰當)反應.
As you become experienced with receiving,you intuitively recognize what is being offered and you know when something isin your highest good.
隨着你變得越來越有 “接收恩典”的經驗 ~~你就會直覺認出~~你被提供了什麼東西,而且你會知道~~什麼對你是最好的.
You trust in divine timing, too, allowingthat to guide your receiving.
你也會信任 “神聖時間”安排 ~~你會允許它來引導你接收的時間.
This means that you don’t try to get aheadof yourself, pushing for things before they are appropriate.
這代表了你不用試着去 “跑在自己前面”,催促時間還未到的事情去發生.
The DNA of Deserving and Receiving
DNA的“值得” 與“接收”
You will be less likely to get impatientwith timing issues if you believe that you deserve the good that can come toyou. You cannot will this feeling, of course.
當然, 你是無法去創造出這種(無奈)感覺的.
The conditioning of most people, in fact,is to doubt whether they deserve to receive as much as the next person.
大部份人的狀況 ~~事實上 ~~就是去懷疑 ~~他們是否跟別人一樣那麼值得.
This tends to be generational – meaningthat your ancestors had the same conditioning and you inherited it in your DNA.
這狀況是有點遺傳性的 ---意思是你的祖先有同樣的心理狀態,而你在你的DNA中也繼承了同個心態.
If you sense that your receiving abilitycould use a tune up, DNA-level patterns or beliefs are likely surfacing.
如果你有感覺到 ~~你自己的 “接收能力” 需要調高,那DNA層次的模式或是信念就會在此時冒出來.
How the energy works is that dysfunctionalDNA beliefs get catalyzed by key life events and significant personal goals.
能量的運作方式 ~~就是 “故障的DNA信念”會被人生裡發生過的主要事件以及個人顯著的目標(野心)所催化.
In this case, the beliefs could relate towhat you think you deserve or how you feel the world treats you.
在這狀態中, 這“信念” ~~可能與你認為你值得什麼相關,或是你覺得這世界是怎麼對待你的 ~~有關.
They get triggered when you are about totake another big leap forward or change something significant about yourcircumstances.
它們(DNA)被啟動 ~~當你即將要飛越出一大步,或是改變你的狀況的某些很顯著的事情時.
(RL註: 所以如果你不動不變,你的DNA也不會改變.)
In reality, life is abundant and there isenough of everything to go around.
而事實上 ~~人生是很豐盛的,而且有足夠的好處給所有的人.
You don’t have to stand single-file to waityour turn, and you aren’t gambling.
Receiving is not about luck. It’s aboutbeing in a flow with life, trusting that flow, and observing the flow as itcomes in.
“恩典接收”與 ‘運氣’無關.這是關於(懂得)隨順人生,信任這個流動(程序\次序),而且(學會)隨着這流動而觀察.
You Must Trust You Deserve
For mastery, you must trust that youdeserve to receive fully from the bounty of what is available to you.
為了成為 “掌控大師” ~~你必須相信你值得去完全接收所有提供給你的豐盛.
In fact, if you doubt that you deservesomething, your own self-doubt can block your awareness of gifts right outsideyour door!
事實上, 假如你懷疑你值得什麼的話,你對自我的懷疑會障礙你去覺知到 ~~就站在你門口的禮物.
This circumvents your flow of incominggoodness, your mind being tricked to think that you cannot have what you want.
這(負面信念)會把流向你的好處給繞開\避掉,你的心智會陷入自己認知的詭計中 ~~而以為你無法擁有你要的東西.
As part of that, something good indeedcould show up, but your doubt could obscure your understanding.
所以這(能量運作)的一部份就是 ~~有些好處真的有出現,可是你的懷疑會扭曲你的理解力.
Example: you ask for help with something,then the next day a helpful person calls or you awaken from a dream withinsights from spirit. Unable to connect the dots, you may be convinced that youreceived nothing.
舉例: 你要求某事的協助支持, 然後隔天,一個能幫忙的人打了電話來,或是你從一個夢中醒來, 得到了神靈的夢兆.你卻沒有能力去把這些線索連出來,所以你可能說服了你自己 ~~你什麼也沒接收到.
24/7 Sending and Receiving
Think of yourself like a 24/7 sending andreceiving station, broadcasting to and from the world.
把你自己想像成一個24/7小時(全天鎮日)的發射與接收的平台 ~~對這全世界廣播與接收.
Even when you are sleeping, you are sendingenergetic impulses reflecting your thoughts, feelings, and desires. You arereceiving during sleep, too, through dreams and by connecting with spirit.
即使當你睡覺時, 你仍然在發射着能量脈動 ~~反射着你的思想, 感覺, 以及想望.而你在睡眠當中, 也一樣透過夢境在與神靈們連接溝通接收着.
Remember: spirit knows you intimately. Yourhigher self knows your question before you even ask.
記住: 神靈們知道你的每一個秘密每件小事.你的高我知道你所有的問題~~在你開口問之前.
The mere asking of your question sets inmotion an energetic exchange between you and spirit.
This includes the physical world, ofcourse, as spirit has unlimited means of communicating with you.
這當然也包括了物質世界, 當然,因為神靈們有無限的方法與工具來與你溝通.
With wisdom, you will realize that theworld is sending you an endless flow of beneficial energies, things, people,and opportunities.
使用智能 ~~你就會明白 ~這世界一直在寄送給你無盡的有益能量流, 好的東西與人們, 以及機會.
Some may be disguised as troublesomemanipulators – like the boss who hovers over you, critical and trying tocontrol your every move. Even that boss, however, bears a gift – stirring yourdesire to be more empowered.
有些可能偽裝成麻煩的愛操控狂---像那個在你頭上轉不停的老闆,愛批評又監控着你的每個動向. 即使是那老闆, 無論如何, 他帶了一個禮物給你 --挑起你的渴望~~去更有掌握住自己的力量.
End the year with a higher frequency byexamining and updating your relationship with the world.
請在今年結束之前 ~~透過檢察與改善\提升自己與這世界的關係~~來提高自己頻率.
You can do this through purposeful,conscious reflection of how you interact with people and the larger world.Invite spirit to reveal your blocks to receiving fully – ask to be shown howyou can better master the art of receiving.
透過有目的的, 清醒的去反省你與人們, 與這更廣大的世界互動的反省~~來做到“提高自己頻率”這件事 ~~你可以! 並邀請神靈們來顯露出你個人的障礙 ~~讓你無法完全接收到恩典的原因~~請祂們讓你看到~~你如何可以做得更好的來“接收恩典”.
Trust that in the asking, spirit begins towork with you, helping you to unravel old dysfunctional patterns and to embodythe higher octaves of love.
信任 ~~透過詢問的程序,神靈就會開始與你一起工作,協助你去看到過去故障失靈的模式,