
大天使麥克: 2014年的黃金頻率--透過Celia Finn傳導20131220
ArchangelMichael through Celia Finn ~ 2014 The Year of the Golden Frequency
中文翻譯: 林琚月 20131221 http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin
TheFrequency of Gold
TheNew Earth Energies December 2013/January 2014
ArchangelMichael Through Celia Finn December18, 2013
BelovedFamily of Light, in this month of December 2013 and into January 2014, yourEarth is making major shifts and adjustments in Frequency as it begins toanchor the Frequency of the Gold Ray.
親愛的光的家人們, 在2013年12月到2014年1月這時期 ~~你們的地球正在做一個
主要的頻率的提升改變與調適 ~~隨著她開始錨定 “黃金頻率”.
TheSun has been assisting with this frequency shift, and the intense Solaractivity of the last six months has been assisting in recalibrating thefrequency of the Earth and allowing this new frequency to settle and anchor.
太陽一直在協助這個頻率的提升改變, 而過去六個月來的強烈的太陽活動~~
一直在協助協調對齊地球的能量, 並且讓這新頻率安定下來並且被錨定.
BelovedFamily, we know how difficult this has been for you. As Light Family, you havehad to work to hold your Light despite the challenges that have confronted youat many levels.
親愛的家人, 我們知道這對你們而言有多困難! 作為光的家人, 你們必須努力去擎起你的光芒, 不論你在許多層面上已經遭遇到了多少挑戰.
Now,in this month of December, you are completing the work of 2013 and beginning anew path of Manifestation and Abundance. In this message we will discuss firstthe shift from 2013 to 2014, and the powerful energy of the 12/12 and theSolstice, and then we will look at the incoming energies of 2014 and the roleof the Crystal Children who are becoming young adults.
現在, 在這個月 ~~12月份 ~~你正在完成你2013年的工作, 並且正在開始一條新的 ~~豐盛與顯化的道路. 在這訊息中 ~~我們會首先討論從2013到2014年的提升改變, 以及12\12日的強大能量, 以及 “冬分”, 然後我們會討論一下2014年進來的能量, 以及正在成長為年輕的成人的 “水晶兒童”的角色.
2013: The Year of Transcending Duality
2013: 超越 “二元性”的一年
TheEarth shifted into her 5th Dimensional timeline in December of 2011. InDecember of 2012, the Earth began her New Cycle of Time as the “New Earth”, andnow in December of 2013 you will be given the opportunity to enter into yourMastery of Light by transcending duality in your life and anchoring the GoldRay of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness.
地球在2011年12月~~提升改變入她第五維度的時間線. 在2012年12月 ~~地球正式開始她 “新地球”的 “新時間循環”, 而在現在~~2013年12月~~你將會被給予這個機會 ~~來進入 “光能量的掌控能力” ~~ 透過在你的人生\生活中 “超越” “二元對立” ~~並且透過錨定 “大宇宙耶穌基督意識的黃金頻率光能”.
Thishas been why it has been such a difficult year for so many of you. At everylevel and at every moment you have been asked to make choices in your lives.Will you react in the old ways of duality, or will you transcend this andchoose to find a path of reconciliation, compassion and love.
這就是為什麼今年對你們如此許多人而言 ~~是如此艱難的一年. 在你人生和生活的每個層面, 在每個時刻 ~~你都被要求做出選擇. 你會用舊模式來反應處理事情嗎? 還是你會超越這個,而選擇去發現一條 “協調的, 有悲憫心的, 有愛的道路?
Formany of you, this new path has been difficult, for the path of love oftenstarts with self love and with learning to say “no” when necessary. So many ofyou have had to learn to make space for yourselves and to say “no” to thingsthat no longer work for you or perhaps never really worked for you.
對你們許多人而言, 這條新的道路是困難的, 因為 “愛的道路”~~往往要從 “對自己的愛”開始, 而且在必要的時候 ~~必須能夠說 “不”! (註: 在必要時, 也要懂得能夠拒絕不合理的要求.) 你們有如此許多人 ~~必須學習去為你自己創造空間,然後拒絕掉對你不再合適的事情 ~~~很可能從來就沒有適合過你的事情.
Thishas been uncomfortable as you have slowly learned to transcend duality andconflict and rise into the frequency of integration and complementarity.
Youhave had to learn to make choices and to be responsible for those choices astrue Warriors of the Light.
這一直是不舒服的過程 ~~隨著你慢慢的去學習超越 “二元對立”,以及 “爭執”, 而提升進入 “整合” 與 “互補與互助合作”之中.你必須學習去做選擇, 並且為這些選擇負起責任 ~~如同一個真正的 “光之戰士們” 會做的.
But,the rewards have also been great. As you have reached into yourselves, intoyour hearts and souls, and into love, you have also transcended pain andsuffering and moved into Joy and Peace.
但這獎賞是如此的大.而隨著你們往內探索入你自己,進入你的心與靈魂, 進入 “愛” 中
你同時也超越了痛苦與傷害, 而移入歡樂與和平之中.
Thelong journey of many liftimes is nearing its end as you begin to adjust andsettle into the Frequency of Gold and the Christ Consciousness. This is a placeof Harmony, Unity and Peace, a place of Abundance and Joy.
這許多的輪迴轉世已經接近它的終點了 ~~隨著你開始調適, 安頓入這 “黃金頻率光能” 以及 “耶穌基督意識”之中. ~~這是一個和諧, 團結,以及和平的地方 ~~是一個豐盛與歡樂的地方.
It isthe frequency of knowing that anything is possible and probable, and that youare empowered to create the life you desire.
就是這個 “知曉的頻率”的存在 ~~讓任何事都可能, 而且有機會發生, 而且你被給予了力量來創造你渴望的人生.
TheGolden Wave 12/12 and 21/12
12\12日的黃金波能量, 以及21/12 “冬分能量”
Thefinal “shift” into the Golden Frequency is being powered by a Wave of GoldenLight. This commences with the 12/12 portal and will culminate on the 21/12 atthe December Solstice. In these ten days, the Light will continue to rise andyou will certainly feel the effects on all levels of your being.
最後提升進入 “黃金頻率光能”的提升能量 ~~是由 “一波黃金光束”所加持的. 這件事開始於12/12的星門,而且到21/12 “冬分日”累積到高點. 在這12日之內, 這光能會持續昇高, 而你必然會在你存在體的每個層面感覺到它的影響.
Youmay feel filled with Joy and Light. But, you may also feel awkward anduncomfortable in your body. Your cells are vibrating at an acceleratedfrequency, and you may again find yourself experiencing “ascension symptoms”that make you feel physically and emotionally uncomfortable.
你可能會覺得充滿了歡樂與光芒, 但你也可能會覺得不舒服與奇怪~~
在你的身體之中. 你的細胞們正振動在一個加快的頻率之上, 而你可能再次發現你自己正在經歷著 “揚升症狀” ~~那讓你覺得在身體上與情緒上的不舒服.
Thisprocess will culminate or peak on the 21st of December at the Solstice, whenthe energies of Renewal and Rebirth will be strongest. The Earth will alignwith the Galactic Center and a strong waveof Diamond Light will also assist to lift the Frequency of the Planet.
這程序在21/12“冬分日”會累積到高點~~那時, “能量的換新與重生”將會是最強的時候. 地球會再一次與大銀河中央對齊, 而一道強烈的 “鑽石光”將會協助提升這地球行星的頻率.
Then,from the 21st to the 31st December, the Earth will be integrating the newfrequencies. This may also be a volatile time as the New Energies and the GoldFrequency is anchored in the Earth Grids.
然後, 從20131221日到20131231年底日~~地球將會一直在整合這新的頻率. 這可能也會是一個異常波動不穩定的時間~~因為 “新地球能量”以及這“黃金頻率光能”被錨定入了 “新地球矩陣”.
Then,finally, on the 1/1/2014, the process will becompleted.
然後, 最後, 在20140101日~~這程序會被完成!
TheIncoming Energies of 2014 and the Role of the Crystal Children
2014年的進來的能量, 以及“水晶兒童”在2014年的角色.
In2014, the Earth will be anchored in the Fifth Dimension and will be vibratingat the frequency of the Gold Ray of the Christ Consciousness.
在2014年 ~~地球將會被錨定在她的第五維度, 而且會振動在“大宇宙耶穌基督意識的黃金頻率光能”之上.
Thisfrequency of the Christ Consciousness will initiate a powerful surge ofawakening on the Earth. People will be awakening at a very rapid rate, and youwill have much work to guide and assist them in this process if that is yourmission.
這“耶穌基督意識的頻率”會開啟一個強而有力的脈沖在地球上的覺醒力度上. 人們將會以非常快的速度覺醒, 而你們會有許多協助引導的工作, 協助他們渡過這程序 ~~假如這是你的任務的話.
But,you will also find that those who cannot raise their frequencies to the GoldFrequency will fall into stress and anxiety and despair, and will only be ableto see the chaos and disintegration of the old energy grid.
但你們也會發現~~那些無法提升他們的頻率到 “黃金頻率”的 ~~會陷入壓力, 焦慮與絕望之中, 而將只能看到混亂與舊能量矩陣的解體.
But,Beloved Family, you will have powerful helpers in this year, not only in theAngelic Realms, but also in the Crystal Children who came to the Earth with theexpress mission of anchoring the Christ Consciousness on the Planet.
但是, 親愛的家人們, 你今年2013就會有強大的協助者們!!! ~~不只是來自天使圈, 還包括了~~“水晶兒童”們 ~~他們來到地球 ~~是帶著清楚的任務 ~~來錨定“耶穌基督意識”在地球之上的!
Thefirst Crystal Children began arriving on the Earth in the early 1990s, andthese beings are now moving into their early twenties. They came with theirLight Bodies fully “wired” and ready to accept the Christ Consciousness energyand the Gold Frequency. In 2014, they will be “switching on” and helping toraise the frequency and anchor the Gold Ray on the Earth.
第一批“水晶兒童”們從1990年早期開始到達地球, 而這些 “存有們”現在正在移入20初頭的年齡.
他們帶著他們 “連結完整的 ‘光體’”而來, 而且準備好了來接收“大宇宙耶穌基督意識” 與 “黃金頻率光能”. 在2014年 ~~他們會被啟動 ~~來協助提升頻率, 並且錨定“黃金頻率光能”在地球之上!
TheseCrystal Beings are powerful Warriors of the Heart, and they were born for thismoment! They are young men and women who are ready to step forward and lettheir Light shine on the Earth.
這些 “水晶存有們”~~都是強大的 “心的戰士”, ~~而且他們就為此時刻而出生!
他們都是年輕的男人與女人, 而且已經準備好了來站出來,並讓他們的光芒閃射在地球之上.
Andso, Beloved Family of Light, 2014 will be the year in which the Gold Frequencyis anchored on the Earth, the Diamond Light is received and the CrystalAwakening occurs. These are indeed exciting times for all of you!
所以, 親愛的光的家人們, 2014將會是這一年 ~~“黃金頻率光能” 被錨定在地球之上,而 “鑽石光”會被接收到, 而且 “水晶覺醒” 將會發生! 這對你們所有人將絕對是很興奮的時間!
Wewish you much Joy and Light in these shining times of Light!
我們祝福你們許多快樂與光 ~~在這閃亮的光的時代!