20131103的日蝕重新佈局新光… 非洲再起!
(RL註:克里昂在年初, Elizabeth Truwin在年中都有預言過 ‘非洲再起’之事,而此星象文再次預言此事. 如果非洲大陸能恢復和平與富庶,那黑暗份子就會完全撤離地球,而天堂地球的日子也就不遠了.祝福大家! 祝福地球!)
Submitted by Eddie1177 on Wed, 10/23/2013 - 04:44
作者: Celia Fenn 中文翻譯:林琚月20131025
http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin
We are right now in the transtion from a Lunar Eclipse (18th October) to a Solar Eclipse (3rd November). Coming on the heels of the powerful energy wave of July/August, this has created some very intense Energy "weather". The Lunar Eclipse in October was in Aries, and was impacted by Uranus in Aries, meaning that much unpredictable energy was let loose into the Grids. As you may know, eclipses are always a time when the Earth Grids are recalibrated with new incoming Light Codes, and while this may be turbulent at the time, the outcome is always positive.
我們現在是處在從20131018日月蝕過渡到20131103日的日蝕的轉變期中.承繼了來自七月與八月的強大能量,這星象已經創造了一些非常強烈的能量 ‘天氣’.十月的月蝕是在白羊座,而且受到天王星在白羊座的影響,意思就是有許多無法預期的能量被釋放入了地球柵欄之中.你們或許知道 ~~~日月蝕都永遠是地球柵欄重新與新進來的光密碼協調對齊的時間,而且這些時間有時會造成動亂,但是其結果卻總是好的.
So it is with these two eclipses, one Lunar and one Solar. The Lunar Eclipse allows for shifting deep inner consciousness, and a Lunar Eclipse in Aries with connections to Uranus will certainly shake loose many of our old ideas about Leadership and the "Warrior" Energy and make way for something new. It is therefore no surprise that at this time the US Congress decided to "shut down" creating questions about government and the economy globally. The stage is setting for something new to emerge into the Deep Consciousness of the Collective.
所以這次有兩個~~日蝕+月蝕.月蝕會讓內在覺知意識深度產生提升改變,而一個在在白羊座又連接了天王星的月蝕就當然會讓許多我們對領導階層的舊想法會動搖,而且這個 ‘戰士’能量會為新的想法開啟新局面. 因此, 難怪美國國會決定在這段時間內 ‘暫停’ --- 而讓大家對全球的政府與經濟產生質疑. 這舞台正在被準備當中 ~~讓一些新的事情會融入集體民眾的覺知意識深處.
The effect of Mercury Retrograde at this time is also to slow us down and give us a space to integrate these energies and allow the New to emerge as we move towards the second Eclipse on 3rd November. This is a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. The Solar Eclipses allow for the recalibration of the Grids with Light Codes that bring in new ideas and information about the outer world and how we perceive this world.
而水星在此時逆行的影響就是 ~~~讓我們放慢速度, 也給我們一個空間去整合這些能量,同時讓 ‘新局面’去 ‘出現’~~隨着我們移入十一月三日的第二個(日)蝕.這是一個在天蝎座的日蝕.這日蝕讓地球與新的光能密碼得以協調對齊~~這密碼帶入的是 ‘新的想法與信息’ ~~~關於外在的世界的, 以及我們的 ‘世界觀’.
So, a Lunar and a Solar Eclipse work together to clear away old ideas, bring in new ideas and activate them in the Grids, or in the Collective Consciousness of the Planet. In this case the Lunar Eclipse in Aries ( a solar/fire sign) and the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio ( a water sign) makes for a creative tension and synergy that is moving energy on a very deep level both within individuals and within the Collective.
所以, 一個月蝕與一個日蝕攜手合作來清除掉 ‘舊想法’, ‘帶入新想法’, 而且從地球柵欄處啟動這些能量, 同時也從行星地球的集體覺知意識中啟動改變. 在此次的案例中, 白羊座月蝕(一個代表太陽\代表火的星座), 加上一個天蝎座日蝕(一個代表水的星座) --這能量造成了 ‘一個創意的強烈緊張與融合狀態 --這是從個人以及集體的非常深處層在移動的能量.
The focus of this piece is then to look at how this upcoming Eclipse will affect us individually, and also on the Collective Level.
所以此文探討的焦點 ~~是要檢視這個進來的日月蝕會如何影響到我們個人以及集體.
So, firstly some information on the nature of the Eclipse itself. The Eclipse is in Scorpio, the house that deals with very deep inner issues, intuition and also, with business and finance issues in the public realm (according to traditional astrology). So, again, no surprises in that finances are a key global issue right now, and also may be for many of you reading this piece.
所以首先,先解釋一下日月蝕本身.這天蝎座日蝕,宮位是處理非常深處的議題的,以及 ‘直覺能力’,同時,影響到在公眾領域中的商業以及金融議題(依照傳統星象學說法).所以,再一次,難怪在這時期中 --- ‘金融’ 是一個關鍵性的全球議題 ---在此時此刻, 而且可能對你們許多讀者 ~~目前也有這(金融)問題.
(註: 一些朋友最近確實都有這些考題,以及直覺能力或是超能增加的現象發生.天狼星座訊息提到的 ‘揚升症狀’ 如頭暈\頭痛\肩頸痠痛等也影響不少人.)
So, at the time of the November 3rd Eclipse, the New Moon will be at 16 Scorpio, Mercury will be at 7 Scorpio, Saturn will be at 13 Scorpio and Venus will be at 28 Sagittarius. Now that last little piece of information is important, because Venus will be sitting in alignment with the Galactic Center in relation to the Eclipse energies. The Key Energies are the New Moon, bringing the seeds of the New, Mercury focussing on ideas and mental energy, and Saturn activating the forces of Restructuring. Also, just as a bonus we have the Moon's north node at 7 Scorpio as well, adding a dollop of deep "Karmic" release to the mixture.
所以,在20131103的日蝕之時,新月將會在天蝎座16位置,水星會在天蝎座7,而土星會在天蝎座13位置, 而金星會在射手座28位置. ~這些解說是重要的,因為金星將會正好與銀河中央對齊~~在日蝕能量的影響之下.新能量是新月,帶來新的種子,水星則把焦點放在心智與想法的能量中,而土星會啟動 ‘重建\復甦’ 的能量.同時,做為一個福利嘉獎 ~~ 我們還有月亮的北節點在天蝎座7位置~~~此位置釋放了令人驚嘆的 ‘深度的業障’ 在這整個大局之中.
So, by now you can see that there is some very deep energy brewing around money, leadership, change, very deep feelings within individuals and the Collective. But, the effect of Venus aligning the Galactic Center is to introduce Light Codes from the Galactic Council via Venus, which will impact on the Venusian energies of Beauty, Harmony and, yes, Money!
所以現在你可以看到一些很深的能量在發酵當中,而且跟金融\領導層\改變有關,以及集體和個人非常深度的感覺有關.但是,金星與銀河中央的對齊是從銀河議會透過金星來引入新能量密碼入地球- 這造成的影響範圍就是~~金星式的美麗能量,和諧,以及,是的, 金錢!
So, looking at this powerful mix it seems most likely that the "reboot" or "recalibration" that is taking place involves the Economy and Finance, and how we as individuals relate to Abundance and how we source that abundance in our Society.
是的,審視一下這個強力的混合能量 ~~看起來 ~~這個 ‘重新啟動’或是 ‘重新協調對齊’~~正發生在經濟與金融上,以及我們個人對待 ‘富裕’的態度, 以及我們是如何在我們的社會中去追尋‘富裕’ 的事情上.
On the individual level, this means that we will be taking a deep look at our "old" beliefs about money and finance, and allowing ourselves to think differently. As we accept new "Light Codes" from the Galactic Center we will be guided to a more compassionate understanding of Abundance and how it can be created in our lives as individuals.
在個人層次上, 這代表了我們將會深刻反省我們對待金錢與金融的老信念,而且允許我們自己去做不同的思考.隨着我們接受來自銀河中心的新的光能密碼, 我們將會被引導去以一種更 ‘悲憫’的理解方式來理解‘富裕’,以及作為個人我們能夠如何在我們的人生中去創造‘富裕’.
In this process, we are sweeping away old ideas and allowing for the New. We may have to give up ingrained ideas that we grew up with about "hard work" and "rewards" as we realize that these no longer hold true. In the 21st century those who work hardest are often those that have the least in life. So, it is time to reconsider the way in which we manifest abundance as individuals, but also how we share that abundance as a society, for the two are connected.
在這程序中,我們正在掃掉舊想法,並且允許新的出現. 我們可能必須放棄從小跟着我們長大的根深柢固的舊觀念 ~~~關於所謂的 ‘辛苦工作’,以及 ‘報酬’ 的觀念 ~~隨着我們明了~~這些老觀念都不再正確了. 在21世紀那些工作得最辛苦的,通常是那些在一生中擁有得最少的.所以,現在是時候來重新思考我們作為一個個人 ‘顯化’ ‘豐盛富庶’的方式,以及作為一個社會我們又是如何分享‘豐盛富庶’的?因為這兩件事是相關連的.
In the Fifth Dimension we are all connected in the Circle of LIfe, and so the Economy and Financial issues affect all of us to some degree. Even if we are "comfortable" we do not stand outside of the interconnected Family of Life on Planet Earth. It is an issue that affects all of us. So, we can expect that we will be facing deep issues relating to our own finances and to how we relate to the greater Global Community. Change is inevitable, as Archangel Michael says.
在第五維度我們全都連接在這生命的圓圈之中,所以經濟和金融議題都在某種程度上影響到我們全部.即使我們全都 ‘舒服’,我們並無法站在這地球生命家族的聯機之外.這是一個影響我們的議題.所以,我們可以預期我們將會共同面對這些很深刻的關係到我們自己的金融以及我們在這更廣大的全球小區中的關連性.改變是無法避免的 ~~一如大天使麥克所說的.
The Path of the Eclipse...Africa Rises
The nature of this Eclipse is what is called a "hybrid". It is partially a Total Eclipse and partially Annular, which is a kind of partial eclipse. The Total Eclipse follows a path across Central Africa, from the Rain Forests of Gabon through the Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo, into Uganda, Kenya and then into the Horn of Africa and Ethiopia and Somalia. The Partial Eclipse covers most of Africa. This is an African Eclipse and it is awakening Africa!
這日蝕的性質,這就是所謂的“混合型”。這是部分日全食和部分環狀,這是一種偏蝕。日全食之路徑橫跨了中非,加蓬雨林剛果和剛果民主共和國,烏干達,肯尼亞,進入,然後到非洲埃塞俄比亞和索馬里非洲之角。偏蝕部份包括非洲大部分地區。這是一個非洲的日蝕, 而且它正在喚醒非洲!
First of all, the area of Total Eclipse is primarily deep African Rain Forest, some of the most pristine environment on the Planet. It is a time when the "Forest Codes" for the New Earth will be powerfully activated in Africa. But, on another level, these Light Codes will release Africa from the deep darkness that was thrust on her in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and allow her to rise again into Light.
首先,日全食的面積主要是深處的非洲熱帶雨林,一些在這個星球上最原始的環境。就是這個時間 ~~~當為這個 ‘新地球’ 設計的“森林密碼”將有力地啟動了非洲。但是,在另一個層面上,這些 ‘光能密碼’ 會將非洲從她在19世紀末和20世紀初陷入的深度黑暗中解放出來,讓她再次上升到光明之中。
Africa is probably the most "ignored" continent on the Planet. Not much is known about the history of one of the largest continents on the Planet, other then it is said to be the origin point of Human Life.
It was the original "Mu"....the first continent that expanded to become first Lemuria and then Atlantis. It holds the powerful original Codes of Creation, which were held by the Keepers of Creation, the "Elohim Guardians" of Africa.
她是最原始的“穆”......是地球的第一個大陸 ~~她被延伸擴大成為第一利莫里亞, 然後又成為亞特蘭蒂斯大陸。她擁有強大的原始創造密碼~~~這是被創造守護者~~非洲的the "Elohim Guardians"所持有的。
These Creation Codes are ready to be released back into the Grids at the time of this Eclipse. This Release will allow the Earth Keepers and Creators who work with the Elohim to once again access the Holographic Library at the Center of the Planet.
這些原始創造密碼已經準備在這次日蝕的時間裡被釋放回到地球柵欄上。這釋放將讓地球守護者和造物者們得以一起與the Elohim再次工作在一起, 並再次打開存在於地球中心的全息圖書館。
But, to go backwards in time, in the late 19th Century in the time of the expansion of the Anglo/European/American Empire, there was what is known as a "Scramble for Africa" in which the European Colonizers "grabbed" as much of the continent as they could. South Africa, after being explored by the Portuguese, was passed from Holland to Great Britain and became a British Colony, as did Swaziland, Botswana, Lesotho, Zimbabwe and Zambia. The Portuguese settled for Mozambique and Angola. The Germans took Namibia. The Belgians took the Congo, while the British also took Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
但是,當我們回溯歷史的時候,在19世紀後期英/歐洲/美國帝國的擴張中,他們被稱為“爭奪非洲”的歐洲殖民者, 並且在儘量得“掠奪”儘可能多的土地。南非---在葡萄牙探索過後,又從荷蘭換手到英國手上,並且成為英國殖民地,斯威士蘭,博茨瓦納,萊索托,津巴布韋和贊比亞等國也是如此。而葡萄牙落戶莫桑比克和安哥拉。德國則奪取了納米比亞。比利時人拿走剛果,而英國也拿走了肯尼亞,烏干達和坦桑尼亞。
While all this was going on, the "Elohim Keepers" together with the African Grid Guardians closed down the Grids and locked the access to the original Creation Codes. And so,from being the original Place of Light and the "Mother", Africa became the "Heart of Darkness" and has continued to be ever since.
當這一切在發生的時候, the "Elohim Keepers", 一起與非洲的柵欄守護者們關閉了地球柵欄網格,並且鎖上了通往 ‘原始創造密碼’的通道。因此,非洲從一個光明的地方, 而且是“開始母親”的身份,非洲成為“黑暗的心”,並從那時一直延續到到現在。
Now is the time when the "Heart" of Africa will be activated and the Light will return.
現在是時候了 ~~~非洲的“心”的將重新被啟動,並且光將會返回。
When I was younger and was involved in anti-apartheid politics, we had a saying : "Africa Mayibuye!". It means "Africa...May it Come!". It was a way of saying that Africa would rise back into Light. I think that this is the moment when Africa will begin to Rise into Light!
The Solar Eclipse codes will dissolve the dark shadows projected on Africa and she will begin to awaken to who she truly is as a Continent. The new Light Codes will bring new ideas about the Rain Forests, about the original Garden of the Planet, about the Mother and about nurturing Society and sharing abundance.
日蝕密碼將溶解投射在非洲的黑暗陰影,她將開始覺醒明白~~~作為一個大陸,真實的自己是誰。這新的光密碼將帶來有關雨林的新的思路,以及對這星球原始花園的新的思路,以及對 ‘創造之母’ 和如何培育社會和共享豐富富庶的新方法。
修行路上大家加油! 無限祝福!


