2013年3月7日 星期四



And now going back to your question about what you should or should not do. Well dear child, since you are asking this question then you do recognize that there are certain aspect of yourself that are preventing you from moving forward, moving away and through the veil of misconception.
And hence we are going to give you acheck listand of course we are going to begin and say this onto you, that really there is no right or wrong, there is no bad or good, there I no dark o light, although we are going to be referring to dark and light in the future for that is how you are used to understanding the ideas that are going to be presented to you, but in the sometime, in the time of times, when you are no longer in duality we will be able to speak with you face to face candidlyr so, and you will no longe have these ideas of dark an light, for you will accept all as is, and you will come to understand that there is no light and there is no dark, for its all the same, a unity, for there must be light and there must be dark in order to facilitate life further so..

And hence the check list :‘清單’如下”:
You are to begin your day with an early meditation, even if you are rushing off to work as many of you are doing, we ask that you remove yourself from your beds a few minutes in advance and walk towards the light, and the dawn of the breaking sun, and as you face towards the morning sun, we ask you to do the sun salutation, yes indeed dear child sun salutations that you are so very well familiar with, for that will set you in a good state of mind for the rest of your earthly day! And hence you are to mediate as well for at least five minutes, that is all that we are asking of you, so that you can get into the state of being in such a state that even if you are not meditating throughout the day you are still connected to the source as you walk around your day and as you walk about your current world and do your current earthly deeds.

Once you have completed your meditation, we ask you to take a moment and wash your skin, yes indeed it is very important to wash yourself (take a shower) when you get up in the morning for many of you rush around and forget to do such a simple step, and you are wondering why is it so important? We are going to explain it to you this way.. that when you are in your dream state, you are not just sleeping, for your soul is traveling and hence your body is reacting to what you are experiencing in your dreams, and your body is producing various toxins that are then delivered onto the skin, and from there if you do not wash that off, it will be reabsorbed back into your body without you even realizing that it is so, for you are energetically going to be carrying around with you all day the toxins that were produced by your body in response to what you have been dreaming about in dream time.
一旦你完成了你的冥想---我們要求你們花點時間洗一下自己的皮膚,是的, '洗澡''淋浴'是很重要的---當你早上起來之後,你們很多人匆匆忙忙的忘了這件簡單的事---而且你懷疑為何這件事這麼重要是嗎? 我們這樣說吧…---當你做夢的時候,你不只是睡覺而已,因為你的靈魂在旅行,因此你的身體會反應出你旅行當中所經歷的事情. 所以你的身體會製造出毒素-而這些毒素會被送到皮膚上面,所以如果你不把它洗掉的話,它又會被吸收入你的身體中-而你完全不會察覺這件事,因為你會帶著這些毒素的能量一整天, -那些由於配合你夢境中所發生的事在夢中所生產出來的毒素.
We also ask that you activate your charkas each and every morning and bask in the light and glory of the Father, and bask in the love and light of the Mother. You are to connect with your crown chakra to the source of all that is, and you are to ask for a blessed day, and you are to set your mind so that you are indeed going to have a day full of love, laughter and joy, and then you are to go on and go about your day, for you have already set yourself into a mood of such a degree that you are then going to walk out of your house and you are then going to influence the others with your set up moods, and expectations.

For those of you who are of the emphatic nature, and many of you actually are we ask that you also put a shield of protection around your body, as per Metatrons instructions that have been sent to you over and over again. And from there you may proceed to enjoy your day. ​​The key here is to enjoy, and even if you believe that your day is not going to be so enjoyable you are asked to stake a step to the side and imagine that your day is indeed blessed and joyous.
We wish you to understand that NOW is the most important moment of your life, not to look for the future, not to look for the past, but to be, just be, in the moment of now, and even so that it does not resonate with you at the present moment, to understand that is YOU who are in control of changing the vibration so that you can indeed resonate with whatever is in front of you, or should you not wish to remain in the now, should you not wish to remain in the state of the being that you are currently finding yourself, then know this, that you CAN change your vibration, you can change your vibration and you will resonate or move to another state of being.

所以你可以與你眼前的任何東西共鳴, ---假如你不想存在當下,假如你不想存在你當下的處境- --那麼了解這件事---那就是'''可以'改變你的振動頻率來決定你要共鳴的或是移入另一種存在狀況之中!

1 則留言:

  1. 師兄:午安吉祥!感恩您!也感恩您對羯磨說明的這麼詳細!有您真好!祝福 喜悅祥和
