2013年3月24日 星期日





本帖最後由 wind 2013-3-20 07:57 編輯









As I said, seeking and finding is a waste of energy. When the mind itself is unclear, confused, frightened, miserable, anxious, what is the good of its seeking? Out of this chaos, what can you find except more chaos? But when there is inward clarity, when the mind is not frightened, not demanding reassurance, then there is no seeking and therefore no finding. To seek God, truth, is not a religious act. The only religious act is to come upon this inward clarity through self-knowing, that is, through being aware of all one's intimate, secret desires and allowing them to unfold, never correcting, controlling, or indulging, but always watching them. Out of that constant watching there comes ex¬traordinary clarity, sensitivity , and a tremen¬dous conservation of energy; and one must have immense energy because all action is energy, life itself is energy. When we are miserable, anxious, quarreling, jealous, when we are frightened, when we feel insulted or flattered all that is a dissipation of energy. It is also a dissipation of energy to be ill, physically or inwardly. Everything that we do, think, and feel is an outpouring of ener¬gy. Now, either we understand the dissipation of energy and therefore, out of that under¬standing, there is a natural coming together of all energy, or we spend our lives strug¬gling to bring together various contradictory expressions of energy, hoping from the peripheral to come to the essence.

1 則留言:

  1. 早安
    [版主回覆03/25/2013 15:35:00]午安快樂喔...
