2012年11月22日 星期四









『過去幾年,也包括過去幾個月,這裡有一個重大的轉換在進行,使到這個星球的網線變得更直(人心和制度也正直,網線也不扭曲),重新調節配合你的能量,比過去的任何時候任何一世都要協調(和諧)。這就是你們一直都要的,也是處在光中的工作者一直都希望的。 』



這是一篇2006年以前就公開的Keylontic科學內容,文中特別提到2012年將會發生揚升的事件,其中詳細的將該科學的15維度時間矩陣所組成的生命全息系統介紹給人類,從2000年已經開始了恒星啟動週期(SAC),到現在2012/11/21,我們只剩下整整一個月的時間,來接觸到這個偉大的事件發生成形,為了讓Keylontic的闡釋內容更近原意,就將英、中兩種版本一起列出,大家就深入點研討這個科學的觀點,對與不對,網友自己判斷。(網友也可以上網搜尋更多Keylontic Science資料,絕對讓人眼界大開。)




Through the Teachings of Keylontic Science, we learn the "Mechanics of Creation" and we learn that Earth and its life-forms exist in one of many systems known as a 15 Dimensional Time Matrix. Time matrices are "holographic" systems that Source (God) has created within Source Itself, in order to experience anything that It desires. Therefore, all things and all life expressions take place WITHIN the energy of Source. Nothing can ever be separated from Source, because everything is within Source and everything is created of the energy of Source.

通過學習keylontic科學 ,我們瞭解到創造的機構我們也學到地球及其上的生命形式,是存在於一個被稱為15維度時間矩陣多系統中下的一個全息系統。 這個時間矩陣乃源頭自我創造的全息系統,該系統目的是為了體驗它所期待的任何事件。 因此, 一切事物和一切生命的表現形式的能量皆來自於源頭。 沒有什麼能夠與源頭分離,因為一切都在其中,萬物都是由源頭能量創造的。

Source IS conscious and Source experiences individuation and the illusion of time and space within a time matrix through a process of "stepping down" this conscious energy into smaller and smaller pieces. In this manner, Source can experience itself as a "manifest" form and experience multiple manifest realities at the same ’time’ and within the same ’space’. In many time matrices, including ours, Source has lost this consciousness of itself as Source during this process of "stepping- down" into the manifest reality of individuation. This has created an illusion of "Separation from Source" in many individuations of Source including in Humans.

源頭是全有意識 ,源頭所經驗的個別經驗和時空矩陣中時空幻相,通過一個名為層降的過程把源頭的能量分解為越來越小的全息片段。 以這種方式,源頭可以體驗它本身展現的形式,並能獲得在同一'時間''空間'之下多重"展現實體"的體驗。 在許多時間矩陣裏,包括我們自己存在於其中的這個,經過了這個進入個別意識現實展現的層降過程後,源頭片段已失去了這意識本身的資訊。 這就造成了一種從源頭分離的假相,這種現象包括許多個性化的存在中,也包括人類 。

We are ALL individual expressions of Source, and we, as individuated expressions of Source, all have parts of our conscious energy within each of the 15-dimensional frequency levels of this time matrix. This is a result of the process of Source stepping down Its energy in the "The Stair Step Creation Process". In this process, Source maintains Itself as the perpetual and infinitely self-sustaining energy of Source that can never be depleted.

我們都是源頭的個性化表現。我們作為源頭的個體化表現,在這個時間矩陣的15維度的每一個頻率水準都有我們意識能量的部分 。這是源頭層降它的能量在一個分階創作過程中的顯然結果。 在這個過程中, 源頭保持它自身並且作為永久和無限的可自我維持的能量源頭,能量將永不枯竭。

Ascension is the process of merging the many parts of our conscious energy that are in the different levels of the 15-dimensional time matrix. It is the process of bringing all of these parts that have been stepped down, back into conscious connection with each other so that we can experience the expansion of "At-One-Ment" with Source. In Ascension, we "transmute" the physical body form by integrating more and more of the "Multiple Levels of Conscious Energy" of our Selves into our biological energetic template. In this way, we are effectively "expanding" our Selves and merging with the infinite conscious energy of Source that initiated our individuation in the Stair Step Creation Process.

揚昇就是合併我們存在於15維度時間矩陣各維度的各個意識能量。 在這個過程中,使所有這些已經下降的部分回歸到源頭,讓彼此相連 這樣我們就經驗到與源頭合一 。在揚昇中,我們轉變肉體的形式通過集成越來越多的多維的意識能源到我們生物學的能量模板中。這樣,在階段性創造過程中,我們就更加有效地擴大我們的存在,合併及汲取來自於源頭的無限意識能量,更加充分展現我們的個性化存在。

Integration of the higher identities progressively changes the nature of the biological form, so biological And spiritual evolution are one. Originally identity integration took place through one Immortal lifetime. Due to distortions, that span 11.5 dimensions of frequency, the process now takes place through successive reincarnations. Reincarnation was not the natural evolutionary process of the original human lineage, but it has been operational for over 5 million years. The distortions have occurred in what is called the "Energetic Manifestation Template" or Kathara Grid. Distortions within our manifestation template have thus resulted in an inability to undergo the natural process of biological Ascension. The origin of these distortions and the role the Human races have played in both the healing and propagation of these distortions can be found in the "Dance For" programs that are available on the Azurite Press Newcomers Recommended Product list. Through Keylontic Science we can reclaim our immortal bodies and re-enter our natural state of evolution. The human body was designed to embody 12 dimensions of consciousness in One Incarnation.

同更高的身份的統合過程,會逐步改變生物形式的展現方式,使生物與精神的進化同步,通過一個不朽的一生,初步身份統合過程將發生。由於扭曲,跨越11.5維度的頻率,有過這樣的過程,通過成功連續再投胎的方式產生了。轉世並非原始人類譜系的自然進化過程,但它已經良好地運作了超過五百萬年。扭曲發生在所謂的能量展現模板或卡薩拉網格 。 我們展現範本的扭曲導致了我們無法接受的自然過程生物揚昇的結果。這些扭曲的起源 和散佈和治癒該扭曲的人類種族,將在azurite發佈的新人推薦產品清單中發現。通過keylontic科學,我們可以取回我們的不朽的身體,並重新進入我們的自然狀態的演化方式。人體的設計,是一個12維意識的單次輪迴具體化身 。

Through the Sacred Teachings of Keylontic Science , we can RE-learn and REMEMBER , our true original Source-intended divine structure. By working with the Keylontic Science techniques that are founded upon Sacred Mechanics , we can also remember how our personal energy systems ( Inner Template ) operate as they were originally intended as True Divine expressions of Source and also how we can begin to Heal the distortions .

通過神聖的keylontic科學,我們可以重新學習 ,並回憶起,我們的真正的原始源頭神聖結構。通過利用基於神聖力學的keylontic科學技術 ,我們也可以記起我們個人的能源系統(內在模板)的運作,因為這本來是作為真正的源頭(神)神聖表達的原始意圖 ,也是我們能夠進行治癒扭曲的開始。

Each level of our consciousness that exists on levels of the 15-dimensional time matrix is PART of US . These parts of us have names such as Soul , Over-soul , Avatar and Rishi . And at each of these levels, there is an increasing " body " of knowledge and understanding of the mechanics of our own creation from Source and of our own personal relationship with Source . As we begin the process of integration of these parts of ourselves in a process called " Soul Integration ", we become more aware of these parts of our Selves and can integrate the knowledge and understanding inherent in them. Through understanding the foundation structures upon which the body and consciousness are built we can learn to consciously direct the path of accelerating our personal biological and spiritual evolution , rejoining the races of the Higher Evolution.


The races on this planet and planet Earth itself , are in the midst of what is called a Stellar Activation Cycle ( SAC ). These cycles occur every 26,556 years. This SAC commenced in 2000 and will end in 2012 . SAC ’s are important periods of time for the Earth and Earth races because it is during these times, that the process of biological Ascension is accelerated. From now until 2012 , more and more frequencies from the outer levels of the 15 dimensional time matrix will be " anchoring " here into the planetary grids ( Earth’s energetic template ). Once these frequencies are anchored into the earth, they can then be received by Humans and all other life forms on the planet. Humans can greatly assist in anchoring these frequencies into the planet , ourselves and other life forms, by preparing our physical body templates in specific ways through the use of Keylontic Science techniques
In utilizing these technologies and assisting in the momentous activities during this SAC , Humans will often face many difficult personal challenges because of the distortions in our own personal energetic templates. In assisting the anchoring of these frequencies however, we will be healing our own templates distortions, in addition to those of the planet and other life-forms. We will also be assisting all biological life forms and the entire elemental kingdom to undergo the process of Ascension

這個星球(地球)和在這個星球的人類種族,正處於一個名為恒星啟動週期(SAC),這個週期為26556年。這次SAC於第2000年開始將在第2012年結束,SAC週期對於地球和地球的種族是非常重要的週期,主要是因為在這段時間內,種族的生物性進化會加速,從現在到2012年,越來越多的從15維度時間矩陣中更高維度的高頻能量錨定地球網格(地球能量模板),一旦這些高頻能量影響地球,地球和地球上的所有生命形式都會接受能量的衝擊。人類能夠有效的幫助接引高頻能量錨定地球,我們和其他生命形式可以通過使用keylontic科學技術這樣的方式來進行物質身體的準備 ,利用這些技術可以幫助我們在SAC週期進行重大啟動,人類必須面對許多個人的困難挑戰只因我們個人能量模板扭曲了。在進行幫助錨定高能到地球的過程中,我們將治癒我們自己的能量模板扭曲,我們也同時協助了地球和地球上所有的生物生命存在形式以及整個全部基本元素領域的揚昇。

