There Is No Way Back Into The Darkness Only Into The Light And...
耶穌20121030 再也不能回歸黑暗,只能進入光中,知識為所有揚升候選人存留著
原文:http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/2012/10/30/there-is-no-way-back-into-the-darkness-only-into-the-light-and-the-knowledge-is- remaining-for-all-candidates-on-ascension-jesus-through-isabel-henn-october-30-2012/
通靈:Isabel Henn
翻譯:Nick Chan
We are now nearing the end of the year and against a whole series of events that will unfold in the coming days. The revelations are imminent and they bring lots of news and relief for you.
It is very important that you decide consciously and with all your heart if you are for Ascension or against it, since you have your free will. All those who are not ready yet, do not need to worry, their lives will simply continue, but it will be much easier for them because there will remain no negative energies on their 3D earth. The Earth will be populated lower than before and the subconscious mind of all those who remain will retain some memory. This makes it easier to keep moving on the path to light.
All Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Starseeds are now increasingly called to help their fellow man. The revelations will bring a certain uneasiness with it, a degree of uncertainty about the future. My Beloved stand by them, please explain to your families, neighbors and colleagues, what all these revelations and events really mean. You have all the knowledge in you.
We Masters will return to earth to stand by your side, to teach the people and to help them preparing for Ascension. We come to you with a great gift, the remission of your remaining karma. So you can cope with a lighter heart and complete your preparations.
A part of us is waiting on the new earth for you, they will work together with the reunited Twin Flames of the Archangels and Ascended Masters to get everything ready for your arrival. This reunion of Twin Flames is imminent for those whose life plan it contains . Those who it concerns know about it and are now preparing to get ready. The first reunions are still expected this week, with more to follow.
My channel that I love very much, also belongs to them. We have a beautiful daughter from an unfortunately very brief marriage in one of her previous incarnations on Sirius She nursed me after my death on the cross and loved me sincerely. We were married for several months until my mission called me back to Earth. In the higher dimensions we can time travel, so I was able to resurrect on the third day. The fact of my stay at Sirius is largely unknown on Earth, but it will be part of the forthcoming revelations and probably cause a shock to many members of the Catholic Church. I realize that my channel does not so much agree to reveal this already, but the time for this and other revelations is now dawning.
There is no way back into the darkness, only into the light and the knowledge is remaining for all candidates on Ascension. Anyone who choose darkness and ignorance is denied Ascension because he is not ready. Their time will come, however, in the course of their spiritual development. Every soul will eventually and ultimately return to the Source of all Being. This is divine law and unavoidable.
My beloved lightbearers and wayshowers, I am extremely grateful to you for your great work that you have been doing. You have taken great pains and paved the way to an event that will have an impact on the entire universe. One last piece of road is still ahead of you, and further work is ahead of you with your fellow man, as you need to be lighthouses and oases of calm amid the storms. I know you're tired from the long journey, but you are at the last stage just before the finish. You can already see the city walls and the prospect will give you wings and strength. I walk this path beside you and give you strength, my blessing and infinite love. Be hugged my beloved brothers and sisters also in the name of our heavenly father.
時時好心 就是時時好日
[版主回覆11/02/2012 13:50:33]讓愛之光在你我心中湧流...
師兄:吉祥如意!這幾天需把靈修之迷思重編,時序更近,我們都一起加油!祝福 美好每一天