2012年7月27日 星期五


To strengthen the protection of your shorelines ...


We are movers and we are shakers, universal in size and scope. We come to worlds that we feel could benefit from our assistance with big ideas on our minds, big plans, big dreams and big hopes for a better world for those we have come to with offers of our assistance. We have come to your world with a vision for a bright new start for all of you and for your mother planet as well. What we have planned for you is something so spectacular, so beautiful, so enormous that it will indeed take some time to complete, but even in the early stages of all the plans that we have for you we feel you will reap at least a few benefits from our presence here and our willingness to offer you our assistance, our manpower, our technologies and wisdom.


Many of you with eyes that see look around you and see a world that has surely hit a dead end stop, for your eyes have vision, they have clarity, they see what others do not see, others cannot see, others will not see, for some others are not yet prepared to see, do you see? Not everyone has reached the same level of evolution as some of the others. That's all. This is not a war between those awakened, those un-awakened and all those somewhere in between. You are all friends, neighbors and family. You are all in this together, and you have all been in this together for a very, very long time. If you understood how long many of you have indeed been neighbors, family and friends on this long and what seemed a very isolated, dark and dangerous journey, we feel you would all begin to treat each other a little differently, better than some of you are treating others at this time.


We do not wish to say that all of you can do with treating each other a little better, as some of you show others kindness and respect, love, understanding, patience, tolerance, a sense of humor, fairness, justice, honesty, charity , mercy and forgiveness very often and this warms our hearts so, and this is why the time has come to visit your world and offer you the gifts that we possess. It is because of those of you who have learned to treat each other in these ways that we, along with other Galactic commands, are here knocking on your door with flowers, presents and large smiles on our faces. We have come here with our friends and family, children and pets too. We have come here with our entire families .


We are not here only as scientists, surveyors, researchers and construction workers, no, not at all. We are here as we are, representatives from all walks of life, all ways of life, all areas and fields, and when you meet us you will be meeting representatives from all the different areas of our many different worlds. Do you see this? Do you see that you will not be meeting a search party, or explorers, or mercenaries, or missionaries, or 'astronauts'?​​ You will be meeting our families, our children, our parents, our friends and even our pets who will meet your pets and learn to play with them. These are some of the dreams that we have for your new world and we hope that you share some of the same dreams as we, and we are confident you do or we would not even be here speaking with you today.


What we would like to get started with are the preliminaries of some of our great projects that we have lined up to begin to knock down like dominoes in the not too very distant days ahead. We have discussed with you what we see as a difficult situation when it comes to rising sea levels that we feel you will likely experience at least on some level just a few months ahead from now. We certainly would like to see as many 'hands on deck', volunteering for this very important project which will see to the benefit and the protection of many villages, towns and even a few cities around your world, as the shorelines that protect them from sea surges have never been very strong and will not hold up in any way to some real surf activity that we feel your planet must experience as you exit one reality and begin anew. This is not too hard to imagine, is it dear ones?

我們想開始一些較大的項目,我們已經安排在不太遙遠的未來幾天推倒多米諾骨牌。我們已經與你討論了我們所看到的是一個關於海平面上升的困難局面,我們覺得你有可能在前方幾個月不同程度上經歷這些。我們當然希望看到許多"桌面上的手",(譯者:指舉手)志願參加這個非常重要的項目,而這個項目將利於保護許多村莊、城鎮,甚至是一些城市,就像海岸線保護它們免受洶湧的海浪拍打,同樣不會阻止任何的衝浪活動,我們覺得你的星球必須經歷過這些體驗,然後重新開始。親愛的,這不難想像? (譯者:這裡意思應該是比喻要成長就需要經過一些挫折。雖然前方會有些困難的局面出現,但也是往後的推動力。)

Try to understand that your planet is in the throes of her last days of her dualistic struggle and she is very excited and eager to shake off the confines of this lower dimension, and by 'shaking off' we mean she literally must shed layers of an outer coat that has locked her within these lower depths for many long eons of time. This is a physical struggle, and it is an emotional and spiritual struggle as well. Your planet must physically break free from these shackles and in order to do this some force, some pushing, some pulling and some coaxing must take place. This is one of the reasons we are here. We have vast teams of those overseeing this part of your ascension and your planet's ascension and it is their job to act as midwives, if you will, and assist with this birthing. These teams report to us and we duly report to you what it is they believe we will experience in the days ahead, allowing us to share with you these projections which will allow you to better prepare for them physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

試著去想像,你們的行星正通過她最後的二元性時期而鬥爭,她非常的興奮並且希望擺脫這種低維度的限制,就像“抖落“我們的意思是她必須擺脫這一層很久以前禁錮她的外衣。這是一個物理鬥爭,同時也是情緒體和精神體上的鬥爭。你身體的星球必須擺脫這些束縛,為了做到這些,必需發生一些推動、拉扯或是某種電磁效應。這是我們在這裡的其中一個原因。我們有大量的團隊監護著你們的揚升和你們星球的揚升。他們的工作就像是助產士,只要你願意,將協助這誕生。這些團隊報告給我們,我們再向你及時的匯報,他們相信我們將會在未來的日子裡體驗到,讓我們與你們分享這些預測是為了使你更好的在身、心、靈上做好準備。 (譯者:這裡想表達的是“科學團隊”提出評估由“靈性團隊”向我們發送信息,讓我們做點準備。雖說是預測不一定就發生,但是看到近些年情況,還是要做好準備。)

When we report to you that there will be a certain level of earth tremors seated deep within the bowels of your planet that will shake enough to cause tumultuous seas in certain areas around your world, and these seas will find their way to shorelines and continue above these beaches and inland areas and inundate communities, we are confident in our forecasts. We certainly do not take issuing bulletins of any kind lightly, and we certainly are playing no games with you. This is not a test, this is not a drill, this is not a joke, and when we take the time to repeat this same message to you over and over again you may begin to realize that when we say it would be best for certain areas of your populations to temporarily relocate, we certainly mean this .


Again, there is no reason to drop into panic mode or to be fearful at all, as we have worked through much more difficult tasks just like this task many times before. We have assisted other worlds and we have monitored their oceans and we have come to the same conclusions in the past that there would be rising sea levels that may cause issues with certain areas around a planet, and we also began to share this information with the populations just as we are doing with you today and have been for a few months now. We then met with representatives from these worlds and began our work together to strengthen the protection of their shorelines in these areas, even temporarily relocating some of their populations who live in areas we considered above a level that we would consider safe through these earth shakings.


We are doing nothing different here in your world, though we will say some of the reactions that we are receiving from your people here in the early stages of this one particular area is unique, and that is the level of those of you that have found a way to deny that what we speak about this particular subject is truthful, is accurate, is reality. To those of you who deny this information and challenge our channel and his abilities or integrity, we say to you we honor and respect your choice at this and all times, but we also say to you there is going to come a day and it will come very shortly where you must drop this charade, because it will hold no water very soon as we must drop the hammer, if you will, and shatter your protected reality defended by your denial, your distrust, your suspicion, your accusations, your lack of faith in our channel who has been delivering for us messages accurate and honest for quite some time now. We feel we, through our channel, have built a certain level of trust and we feel dishonored in a way when so many of you turn against us and turn against our telepath simply because we wish to inform you of something that we feel by now from your experience here on this planet should be rather mundane, which are earthquakes and sea surges, as these two things are quite common in your world and have been throughout your entire history of your people.

我們在你們世界所做的沒有什麼不同,儘管我們在早些時候從你們這裡收到一些人們的獨特反應,那些處於某種認識程度的存有總是找一些方法來否認,我們談論的這個特定主題是真實的、是準確的、是現實的。對於那些否認這一信息和質疑我們的通道以及他的能力或誠實性的人們,我們對你說,我們至始至終都尊敬和尊重你的選擇,並且我們對你說那一天會來的,很快,你必須停止文字遊戲,因為很快我們必須加速某些海域水量,(譯者:這句不是太理解什麼意思,大概是保持某些地區的海水量吧)如果你願意這樣,你的否認、不信任、懷疑、指控,缺乏對我們通道的信任,破壞的是你所捍衛的現實。這個通道已為我們提供準確、誠實的信息很長時間了。我們自認為,通過我們的渠道,建立了某種程度的信任,當你們中很多人反對我們,反對我們坦白的心靈感應時,我們感到羞辱,僅僅因為我們想告訴你一些事情,我們覺得現在你們星球上所體驗的世俗塵世,關於那些地震和海浪。因為這兩件事情發生在你們世界是相當普遍的,已經慣穿在整個人類歷史中。 (譯者:看到這,有感而發,人類的缺點之一,總想听好聽的。銀河聯邦這個團隊的同學們,委屈了。)

What we have outlined for you is certainly nothing beyond anything that has ever occurred here in your world, as a matter of fact, there have been earthquakes and sea surges beyond what we see for your future in your not too distant past and your planet and your people have survived very well through these instances, though what we wish from this outcome is that no lives are lost and damage to your cities and towns alike are kept to a minimum, as although we wish to rebuild your entire landscape of your entire world it is a far easier task to renew villages, towns, cities and households alike instead of rebuilding them from wreckage. Do you understand the difference dear ones?


We would like to preserve as much of your current world as we can before we begin our wonderful remodeling project. We feel it is always important to protect what one has before planning upgrades and advancements. What we would like to do in the days ahead, when we feel your world is safe enough through the removal of enough power players of your criminal cabal, is initiate our project to begin strengthening the shorelines all around your world and we, together with the Galactic Federation of Light will be 'hiring', if you will, many individuals from your world who wish to begin working with us on this very important joint project. We would like to see as many of you as possible volunteer for such assignments, and in the days ahead our 'sign-up sheet' will be posted for you to enter your names and 'throw them in the hat' for this assignment. The details of how we will rendezvous with you and escort you to these worksites will be fully explained to you in our orientation sessions which will commence shortly before we begin these projects with you. All will be explained, all questions will be answered, and we feel you will be very pleased at the arrangements and agreements that will be made between us, the Ashtar Command, and you, the people of Earth .

在我們開始美妙的重建工程前,我們想盡力保全更多你們當前的世界樣貌。在規劃升級和改進之前,我們認為保護計劃總是很重要的。我們想在未來的日子裡,當我們認為你們世界上有足夠的犯罪陰謀集團成員被移除時,就啟動我們加強你們世界各地海岸線的項目,我們一起,連同光之銀河聯邦將被“僱用” ,如果你願意,許多你們世界的人便希望開始參與我們這個非常重要的聯合項目。我們願意看到你們很多人都盡可能的志願者參與,並在未來的日子裡,我們的“註冊表”上將會發布你的名字並且這個任務“扔進帽子裡“。 (譯者:是指如博士畢業扔帽子慶祝麼?)在我們開始這些合作項目前,我們將會把細節完全的和你開會討論。一切都將會被解釋,所有的問題都將被答復,我們認為這將使我們之間,阿斯塔指揮部與地球人之間的協議安排而感到非常高興。

Until then, we ask you to please read our messages with a little more confidence and faith than a few of you have been demonstrating, as you will find in the days ahead that your faith has not been misplaced in the least, as we stand by our messages to you. We thank you, we thank our channel, and we will speak to you again next week.


We are your family from the stars of the Ashtar Command, and we thank you for your time today dear ones.


通靈:Greg Giles

