Pass through these tests with flying colors. 麥基洗德 - 請勇敢地面對未來的挑戰

Pass through these tests with flying colors. 麥基洗德 - 請勇敢地面對未來的挑戰 2012年01月03日
Beloved Ones,
Life on Earth will take on a more intense experience within the hearts of All. Each Human Spiritual Being is at a cross roads at this time.There is a choice to be made by each Soul. To stay in status quo or to bravely choose the unknown and move forward. We know that all Light workers and Starseeds everywhere upon this Planet have chosen to move forward. This does not mean leaving all your Loved Ones behind you and moving forward alone, Dear Ones. Your Loved Ones are those Souls who have chosen to move forward with you,even though it may appear otherwise at this present moment. Trust that all is unfolding in your lives in Divine order and that all is well.
Upon the waves of incoming energies come many Beings from throughout the Galaxy who are here to witness and offer assistance to any who call upon their service. These Beings have many gifts of knowledge to offer Humanity in these times and are exceedingly eager to commence work with those of you who call upon them. You may call upon them thus, “I call upon the Galactic Masters of Light to work with me and make their Presence known to me through my own I AM Presence. I desire to know more about my own Galactic heritage and ask that you work with me to help me to remember and reconnect incomplete alignment with Prime Creator’s Divine Plan, for my highest good and the highest good of All here upon the now Ascending Earth. So be it and so itis! Thank you!”
在這波即將到來的能量中,很多來自全銀河系的存有們都在見証著,並準備著為任何請求他們服務的人們提供幫助。這些存有們有很多知識和天賦可以在這個特殊時間幫助人類,而他們也急切地期望能夠展開工作- 和請求他們幫助的人們一起。你們可以以這種模式請求他們的幫助︰“我請求來自銀河的光之大師們,以我的存有為媒介,和我並肩努力。我渴望知道自己的來自銀河長時間所繼承的一切,我希望你們和我一起並肩工作,幫助我回憶並重新和造物主的偉大計畫聯繫起來- 為了從最高層次上服務於我自己,服務於正在提升的地球上的所有人。這就是我想說的﹗謝謝你們﹗”
Those of you who feel this call and heed it will be assigned their own personal Galactic Master who will commence work with you. It will begin for most of you upon the inner planes as your physical body lies asleep and you will gradually become more aware of their constant Presence as you go about your daily activities. It will require a time of going within tolisten to the inner prompting of your sacred heart where contact with these Beings will be made. This is a great honor and a step up to the next level of your Ascension Path and you will be working within a greater energy frequency and harmonic.
We are very pleased at the progress of so many of you who daily come to Mastery within yourselves by employing the various and creative tools that have become available to you through many channels upon the Earth.Know that the pull of the Old is still strong and you will be hard pressed to keep balance and equilibrium at times. When these moments occur, try to repeat a simple mantra such as “I AM Light, I AM Love. I AM anchoring my Divine Presence here on Earth right here and right now.” If there is no time for you to do this, then just say “I Love you” into whatever situation is confronting you or even to yourself as you behold energies rising up from within you that are not Love.
Know, Dear Ones, that you are not alone in these challenges. Each of you are completing your initiations upon this Planet and these require a great dedication, motivation and the understanding that all that seems to be taking place in your personal life is not as it seems, there is more to it than is apparent. Stay true to yourselves always and you will pass through these tests with flying colors. You will soon fly with the Angels!I leave you now with my deepest Blessings and Love. You are each so very Loved beyond measure and are always under the guidance and protection of your Family of Light.
I AM Melchizedek
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